November 12, 2017 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm

The Discipline of Authentic Movement : How Can We Grow a Kinder Inner Witness?

The Discipline of Authentic Movement has been living at the centre of both my personal and professional development for forty-six years. The mysterious gem at the core of the discipline is the untidy, humbling, and intimate unfolding of an inner witness, often from a harsh critic toward a loving presence. This process begins with the experience of being seen as a mover by an empathic outer witness. 

Being seen, seeing oneself, seeing another, movers and witnesses, in solo and then in group experiences, deepen a trust in intuitive knowing discovering both the realms of unresolved suffering within their personal histories as well as direct experience of the realms of the transpersonal, as they move, witness - and in response - speak and listen. Language, a bridge between body and consciousness, invites insight, supporting the development of an embodied consciousness.

For me this way of work is a devotional practice, perhaps because it is about relationship - the evolving relationship with one’s own inner witness, with another, with the collective, and with that which is invisible. As a natural inherent order within each unique participant becomes manifest, because of compassionate witnessing of movement becoming conscious, individuals can journey from an experience of duality to what some name unity consciousness.