Serenity by the Sea

Serenity by the Sea Retreats and B&B is a rustic waterfront paradise with beautiful elegant and modern suites. The perfect place for a healing retreat in Nature to restore and nourish your soul. Nestled among trees on a cliff overlooking the ocean with vibrant gardens, cascading creek into the ocean and a cliffside jacuzzi you are sure to unwind and feel renewed just by the nature alone,recalibrating your nervous system to a more harminious and balanced rhythm. You can count on a quiet nurturing time. Enrich your visit with a Traditional Hawaiian Massage, Shamanic and Sound Healing, Deep Tissue Restructuring Massage, Reflexology, Energy Healing, Life Coaching and other wellness options.
“Whatever you think you're coming for is one thing.
What you go home with is much much more.” Lynn
“The opportunity to go inside and breathe in the peacefulness of this very special place has truly been a joy to me.” Candis
“I never imagined such calm isolated wonderful natural place like this.” Avner
“Truly a place of serenity, natural beauty, love and ultimately—inner healing.” Michael